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Музыка в mp3: Kulwant Singh - Chart Chatr Vartee


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Музыка в mp3: Kulwant Singh - Chart Chatr Vartee

Healing Sounds of the Ancients Vol. One by Kulwant Singh.
MP3 128 Kbps

Two Tracks

01-Chatr Chatr Vartee by Kulwant Singh.
The last four lines of a powerful chant for success, this raga-based music by Kulwant Singh uses the Indian tabla at 60 beats per minute to set the pulse of the human heart. Hypnotically the vocal line repeats: "You are the destroyer of bad times, embodiment of mercy, You are within us forever, eternal giver of indestructible power." This is truly therapy music for its pure effect on mind and soul.
This mantra takes fear out of your life

Chatar chakar vartee chatar chakar bhugtay,
Suyambhav subhang sarabadaa saraba jugatay,
Dukaalang parnaasee dyaalang saroopay,
Sadaa angasangay abhangang bibhootay

Thou art pervading in all the four directions,
The Enjoyer in all the four directions.
Thou are self-illumined and united with all.
Destroyer of bad times, embodiment of mercy.
Thou art ever within us.
Thou are the everlasting giver of undestroyable power.

The last four lines of Guru Gobind Singh’s Jaap Sahib.
This mantra removes fear, anxiety, depression, and phobias, and brings victory. It instills courage and fearlessness into the fiber of the person. It gives saahibee – control over one’s domain – self-command and self-grace. Recite this when you position is endangered, when your authoritative personality is weak.

02-Prabh Ke Simran by Kulwant Singh.
Translated this prayer means, "By meditating on the Infinite One, one gains wealth, psychic powers, and treasures of beauty. By meditating on the One, one gains wisdom, devotion and the Buddha Mind."
12 11 2006, 05:11 Отзывы :: URL сообщения


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