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The Holy Bible


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The Holy Bible

What is the Holy Bible?

The Holy Bible is a collection of 66 books and letters written by many people who were inspired
by the Holy Spirit of God. These books tell us how we can be saved from the evil of this world
and gain eternal life that is truly worth living. Although the Holy Bible contains rules of conduct, it
is not just a rule book. It reveals God’s heart– a Father’s heart, full of love and compassion. The
Holy Bible tells you what you need to know and believe to be saved from sin and evil and how to
live a life that is truly worth living, no matter what your current circumstances may be.
The Holy Bible consists of two main sections: the Old Testament (including Psalms and
Proverbs) and the New Testament (Matthew through Revelation). The Old Testament records
God’s interaction with mankind before He sent His son to redeem us, while recording prophesy
predicting that coming. The New Testament tells us of God’s Son and Annointed One, Jesus, and
the wonderful salvation that He purchased for us.
The same Holy Spirit who inspired the Holy Bible is living among us today, and He is happy
to help you understand what He intended as you study His Word. Just ask Him, and He is more
than happy to help you apply His message to your life.
The Old Testament was originally written mostly in Hebrew. The New Testament was originally
written mostly in the common street Greek (not the formal Greek used for official legal matters).
The Holy Bible is being translated into every living language in the World, so that everyone may
have an opportunity to hear the Good News about Jesus Christ.

The World English Bible (WEB) is not copyrighted. The World English Bible is
dedicated to the Public Domain by the editors and translators. You may copy, publish,
memorize, translate, quote, and use the World English Bible freely without additional
06 09 2012, 15:11 URL сообщения


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