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The Future of Food / Будущее продуктов Питания (2004)


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Сообщения: 42
Темы: 11

Профиль ЛС

Карма: +2
The Future of Food / Будущее продуктов Питания (2004)

Director: Deborah Koons
Runtime: 88 min
Country: USA
Language: English

Интересный фильм имеющий конечно прямое отношение к сев. америке но и раскрвающий глаза на многие глобальные тенденции вполне актуальные для России уже в ближайшем будущем.
Генетические модификации, патентование жизни, глобализация....

Whatever you do, WATCH THIS VIDEO!!! Then decide for yourself.

After borrowing a library copy, I'm buying my own to show anybody who will watch it.

I earn my living designing biotech instruments and so have a financial bias in their favor, but I'm also a human being and a parent. This was a real eye-opener. No longer do I sit on the fence!

The negative reviewers are correct: the film does not allow agri-business to rebut the arguments. Yes, there is bias. And it's a bias that is desperately needed after our being brainwashed by all the clever dishonest ads about solving world hunger or not burdening your poor local farmer with red tape. BUT don't let that dissuade you from watching this! This movie is an extremely precious and uncommonly clear presentation of the anti-GMO stance.

These are not cranks or fringe conspiracy theorists. Listen to researchers who understand the science as they risk their careers to issue dire warnings in opposition to multi-billion dollar corporations in hot pursuit of maximal profits.

This issue is much bigger than you think. We're not 'only' talking about healthy food. It's about a handful of corporations controlling global agriculture and eradicating native crops (not by replacing them but simply by windblown seeds). It's about corporations owning patents on living organisms--even on ancient heritage crops. It's about corrupt politics. It's about immoral, ungovernable, unaccountable Corporatocracy. It's about third world repression and displacement of poor farmers. It's about creating global monocultures that could repeat the Irish Potato Famine on a global scale. It's about unleashing dangerous genes (herbicide resistance, drought susceptibility, allergy-inducing, inedibility, etc) that can carry through cross pollination to literally drive our existing food crops to extinction.

Whatever you do, WATCH IT! Then, by all means, listen carefully to rebuttals and decide for yourself. Your grandchildren are relying on you.


12 02 2008, 21:47 URL сообщения
Сообщения: 29
Темы: 7

Профиль ЛС

Карма: +1

Привет! у кого есть возможность залейте его пожалуйста на бесплатные серверы...
12 02 2008, 22:32 URL сообщения
Сообщения: 42
Темы: 11

Профиль ЛС

Карма: +2

в торренте есть на мининове или пиратбэе
12 02 2008, 22:45 URL сообщения


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