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The Chidakasha Gita of Bhagawan Nityananda


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The Chidakasha Gita of Bhagawan Nityananda

The Chidakasha Gita of Bhagawan Nityananda
of Ganeshpuri
(1885 – August 7, 1961)


The Chidakasha Gita
of Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri (1885 – August 7, 1961)

Sadgurudev Nityanand Bhagwan. Chidakashgita

Chidakasha Geeta Greatness of the Soul

Acharya Kedar. Chidakasha – The Heart space in the head.
The Triadic Heart of Shiva

The Chidakasha Gita
of Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri.
With Commentary by Acharya Kedar

Tulsi Amma

About the founder of Supreme Meditation (Acharya Kedar)

Swami Chetanananda (Nityananda Institute):
Nityananda's Teachings

Swami Chetanananda and M.U. Hatengdi.
Nityananda: In Divine Presence

Hilda Charlton. Sri Nityananda Miracle-Man of God

Swami Nirmalananda Giri.
Commentary on Paramahansa Nityananda's Chidakasha Gita


Of all the disciples of Bhagawan Nityananda, Tulsi Amma was a class apart. Bhagawan Nityananda himself declared her to be "One who has seen the Sun," meaning that she had realized the eternal Bliss of the Absolute, that she had gone across. If this is how Bade Baba described her, any words that I use here pale in comparison. In our house, her photo has been kept for worship on our altar.

It is Tulsi Amma who recorded Bhagawan Nityananda's words whenever he spoke while in deep trance. These utterances were complied in a book called the Chidakasha Gita.

The name "Chidakasha Gita" was approved by Bade Baba and the book was originally written in Kanada. It is because of Tulsi Amma that we have the teachings of Bhagawan Nityananda available to us.

The original Chidakasha Gita was translated into English, unedited, by Mr. Mangalore Sanjeeva Kamath of Mahim, Mumbai. He was a great devotee of Baba.

Acharya Kedar
19 03 2007, 19:23 URL сообщения


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