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Hein Braat - Kali Mantra KALI MANTRA (from "Chakraworks")
Hein Braat is an internationally respected professional musician, whose long-term commitment to yoga has led to a fascination for mantra chanting and singing.
From these experiences Hein has experimented with the 'properties' of sound and has developed a variety of insightful approaches enabling voice tones and sounds to focus awareness and energy within the body.
Hein applies these techniques to improve levels of concentration, enhance meditation, develop self-esteem and gain a greater sense of personal harmony.
His powerful and melodious singing voice once heard is never forgotten. As well as being keenly interested in rock and jazz music, he has recorded many mantras - in their original Sanskrit.
We are living in the age of Kali. It is a time where the resurgence of the divine feminine spirit is everywhere.
Thou who art the seed of the universe,
And the Supreme Maya.
All this universe has been bewitched by Thee.
Thou, when pleased, art the cause of
salvation to human beings.
She is understood as the representation and guardian of the three cycles, that of creation, preservation and of destruction. In this role it is often erroneously seen that Kali is a maleficent force . To the contrary she is the very representation of all life in its fullness and natural cycles.
Depicted as horrific and cruel with lolling tongue and collection of severed heads these are representations of time passing, new life created and the full Shakti. impregnating all life.
The Kali mantra is a recognition and praise of this most profound element of creation, Kali is praised and recognised as the ultimate goal of liberation. The remover of all impurities and the protector of all beings.
It is well understood that Kali appears at the time when chaos and demonic powers need to be restored to peace and equilibrium. Today we need to invoke her regenerative and healing powers more than ever.
Скачал мантру из сети...
Прошу прощения за качество - оставляет желать лучшего, но по-моему это лучшее исполнение мантры Кали.
Здравствуй, энергия Шивы дарующая счастье
и исполняющая все желания, убежище для ищущих,
О прекрасная Гоури, Нараяни имеющая три глаза!
Здравствуй, вечная энергия творения, поддержания и разрушения,
основа трёх гун, которые и есть Твоё проявлние, о Всевышняя!
Ты убежище для бедных, защита и высшая цель,
избавительница ото всякой боли, приветсвую Тебя Всевышняя!
Кали, Махакали, Калика, устраняющая несчастье, приветствую Тебя Богиня, предлагающая соблазны и освобождающая от них!
Кали, Махакали, Калика, устраняющая несчастье, о Богиня,
устранительница всех препятствий, приветствую Тебя!
О дарющая победу и счастье Кали, Бхадракали, держащая череп, Дурга, прощение, дающая пищу,
Сваха и Свадха, приветствую Тебя Нараяни!
Слава Тебе, Богиня Чамунда, слава избавляющей всех существ от боли. Слава Тебе, Богиня, живущая во всех существах,
приветствую Тебя, тёмная ночь!
Слава Тебе, Мать Дурга!
уж такая равнодушная к мантрам особа, как я :), после такого исполнения прониклась респектеом. Слушала полночи и сделала заодно 2 важных и полезных дела. Вот как
Hein Braat CD Gayatri Mantra / Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
One of the most beautiful and well-known mantras is the Gayatri Mantra. An invocation to liberate the soul from ignorance and darkness and - like the sunlight - gain clarity in our insights. Insights to walk that path that will enlighten our hearts and lead us to an ever higher state of spirituality. This mantra is called the essence of the ancient holy ones.
Gayatri mantra
The second mantra on this CD is the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. And what a mantra that is! This mantra is said to juvenate, maintain good health, improve well-being and prosperity and to take care of a long life in peace, love, prosperity and satisfaction. That seems quite a lot, but just listen to it, (with your heart, not just your ears) and yes, it’s all that. It is the mantra of the lord Shiva. It arouses the Shiva force within you and puts an end to fear of death and liberates you from the circle of life and death. Impressive as can be.
The continuous recitation of this mantra (patiently and with dedication) could lead to nothing less than enlightenment. This mantra evokes peace and reflection. Listen or sing along with Hein’s impressive voice and discover the silence within.
На форуме стоял такой ажиотаж, столько народу искало Ван Браата, а тут сразу столько подарков :).
Я не фанат мантр, но Ван Браат меня переубедил, очень глубокое, красивое, сильное и насыщенное звичание. Вдохновляет на великие дела
Приветствую божественное, из трех ликов жертвующее энергии всему сущему, от начала Жизни, до конца дыхания Её, затем изливающаяся из каждого и из меня в том числе, как дыхание силы знания, дающее возможность пройти сквозь смерть к бессмертию.
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