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Эти Форумы Лотоса завершают своё существование, как и было запланировано Новые Форумы Лотоса ждут всех и каждого. Новый подход, новые идеи, новые горизонты.
Если хотите продолжать старые темы, то открывайте их на новом форуме под тем же названием и оставляйте в первом сообщении ссылку на старую тему.
Учение Адвайты: что источник страданий человека - устойчивая вера в то, что все могло (или может) происходить иначе. Но в действительности в каждый момент есть лишь то, что есть, и ничего другого быть не может в данный момент "сейчас".
Чему учит Стив Павлина: Примите действительность такой, как она есть и избавьте свою жизнь от неправды.
Итак, Стив Павлина учит Адвайте в чистом виде простым английским языком, понятным каждому канадцу, американцу, англичанину БЕЗ религиозных и мракобесных сектантских терминов. Важно то, что Стив Павлина даже не использует термин "Адвайта" в своём Учении. Более того, Я подозреваю, что Стив Павлина даже никогда и не заморачивался
на всю эту религиозную терминологию (Чен, Буддизм, Дзогчен, Чань-Дзэн, Адвайта, Дхарма)
История Пробуждения и Просветления Стива Павлины.
Стив Павлина стал Просветлённым Гуру Адвайты в пятницу первого октября 2004 года
В пятницу 01.10.04г. Стив Павлина решил заработать немного денег в Интернете и начал вести свой собственный блог. Для того, чтоб блог приносил хоть какую-то минимальную прибыль его нужно было наполнить оригинальным контентом, способным привлечь внимание читателей и рекламодателей. Понеслось.
Фактически контент блога Павлины - это и есть его Учение.
Сейчас посещаемость его сайта(блога)
зашкаливает более чем за миллион
оригинальных пользователей ежедневно.
Основные Направления Учения С.Павлины, которые он объясняет
и даёт правильные направления для достижения целей его учениками:
* Истина: Примите действительность такой, как она есть и избавьте свою жизнь от неправды.
* Духовность: Повышайте ваше понимание и живите более осознанно.
* Сила: Развейте собственную мотивацию и дисциплину, чтобы создать жизнь, которую желаете.
* Полномочия: Возьмите управление своей жизнью в свои руки, и учитесь принимать четкие решения.
* Храбрость: Используйте внутреннюю силу, чтобы действовать несмотря на страх.
* Привычки: Создайте распорядок дня, который даст вам ощущение текучести.
* Карьера: Постройте карьеру, которой вы действительно увлечены.
* Деньги: Достигните финансового благополучия, которое не противоречит вашим принципам честности.
* Здоровье: Выработайте полезные привычки поддерживающие ваше тело здоровым.
* Взаимоотношения: Наслаждайтесь приятными отношениям, помогающими вам расти.
Полный Перечень названий ВСЕХ статей С.Павлины
с 1 октября 2004 года по 8 февраля 2011 года.
В обратном порядке:
Detailed Monthly Archive
February 2011
* 08: Military Intelligence Officer Interview
* 02: 30-Day Facebook Fast
January 2011
* 18: Consulting Services
* 14: How to Achieve Stretch Goals
* 10: Why Some Goals Make You Run in Circles
* 03: Leaving Facebook
* 01: 2011 Focus
December 2010
* 28: Your Simulated Reality
* 26: Winnipeg Meet-up on Dec 29
* 19: Abundance in a World of Limited Resources
* 15: Releasing My Copyrights
* 13: Cheating in Relationships
* 12: Committed Relationships
* 06: How I Write
* 02: Focus and Discipline vs. Caring
* 01: Life Purpose and Values
November 2010
* 30: Las Vegas Men's Group Meetup Dec 7th
* 29: Helping People Surpass You
* 26: SBI 2-for-1 Holiday Special
* 19: Spirit
* 17: Connecting From the Heart
* 15: 30-Day Supertrials
* 12: The Power of Connections
* 10: Paraliminals Enhanced Ultimate You Library Discount
* 08: How to Manifest Money
* 05: One Year After Separation
October 2010
* 25: October Conscious Growth Workshop Starts Friday
* 22: Cleaning Robots
* 18: 10 Reasons I Disabled My Contact Form
* 16: Go Hunting
* 14: Putting a Brick in My Mailbox
* 05: Attention
September 2010
* 25: Road Tripping
* 15: PhotoReading at 59% Off
* 14: Pacific Northwest Road Trip
* 11: Hacking Reality: Subjective Objectivity
* 06: Steve Pavlina Facebook Fan Page
August 2010
* 27: Integrating Light and Dark
* 24: 30 Days of Inspiration Recap
* 16: Life in a Dream World
* 12: Dream Lovemaking
* 05: Moving Beyond Copyright
* 04: Subjective Relationships
July 2010
* 31: Inspired Living feat. Subjective Reality
* 30: Inspiration vs. Expectation
* 29: Living Subjectively
* 28: Spanked by eBay
* 28: 30 Days of Inspiration
* 27: An Inspirational Week
* 23: 60-Minute Consultation Auction
* 21: Spiritual Salon With Erin
* 19: CGW #4 Results
* 15: Toronto to Las Vegas
* 12: July Workshop Update
* 03: Toronto Meet-up
June 2010
* 30: London to Toronto
* 24: CGW Sales Page Lessons
* 23: From Montreal to London
* 17: Canada Trip
* 10: How to Fall in Love with Procrastination
* 03: Suspending Judgment
* 01: Ludicrous Results
May 2010
* 28: Mango Allergy
* 26: How to Raise Your Hourly Rate
* 19: Forming Intentions
* 17: CGW #3 Results
* 10: Tried Bikram Yoga
April 2010
* 29: 3 Free CGW Bonuses Now Available for Download
* 19: The Past DOES Equal the Future
* 15: May CGW Early Registration Discount Extended Through May 3rd
* 09: Contributing to Your Field
* 05: Free CGW Bonuses
* 03: Self Development Video Interview
* 02: Intentional Tracers
* 01: Leadership
March 2010
* 31: CGW Now Has 100% Money-Back Guarantee
* 31: Quitting Toastmasters
* 30: Letting Go With Love
* 25: Four Years. Go.
* 16: Creating Your Vision
* 09: Master Your Workday Now
* 01: Tapping the Promise of Personal Growth
February 2010
* 24: Registration Opens for 3 More 2010 Workshops
* 21: How to Order
* 17: New Raising Your Vibration Audio Program
* 16: One Week On, One Week Off
* 12: Broadcast Your Desires
* 02: How You Give Your Power Away
January 2010
* 28: 2010 Conscious Growth Workshops
* 20: How to Build a Stronger Ego
* 07: Domination-Submission and Personal Growth
* 04: Domination and Submission
* 02: 2010 Focus
December 2009
* 21: 11 Ways to Gain Clarity
* 16: SBI Buy One Get One Free Holiday Special
* 15: $100 Workshop Discount Expires Today
* 14: Save $100 on CGW Through December 15th
* 04: Learning Fashion - Part 2
* 02: Learning About Fashion
* 01: Expanding Abundance
November 2009
* 29: Raw Food Treats - Video
* 27: Property Ownership
* 23: Social Networking: Rethinking Productivity
* 17: Intimacy Abundance and Label-Free Relationships
* 09: How to Visualize Your New Reality
* 05: Creating Abundance - Video
* 02: A Few Updates
* 01: Juicing and Physical Training
October 2009
* 25: Separation
* 20: Conscious Growth Workshop #2 Registration Opens
* 19: Lefkoe Method Video
* 13: You vs. the Cubicle
* 12: Remove a Limiting Belief in About 20 Minutes
* 09: Speedhugging: How to Go From Zero to Hugs in Under 60 Seconds
* 08: After the Workshop
* 05: Conscious Growth Workshop Results
September 2009
* 30: Conscious Growth Workshop Update
* 27: Some Reminders
* 21: Free Speech in Online Communities: The Delusion of Entitlement
* 17: Man Transformation - How to Attract and Enjoy a Fulfilling Relationship
* 14: Video Interview on Raw Foods, Social Support, and More
* 10: A Fixed Income Is a Sucker Bet
* 09: Psychic Development Video Interview
* 02: Modern-Day Nazis
August 2009
* 27: $100 Workshop Discount Expires After August 31st
* 19: Why Some People Are Better Manifesters Than Others
* 12: Free Paraliminal Download Expires Aug 16
* 11: How to Network With Busy People - Part 12
* 10: How to Network With Busy People - Part 11
* 07: How to Network With Busy People - Part 10
* 06: How to Network With Busy People - Part 9
* 05: How to Network With Busy People - Part 8
* 04: How to Network With Busy People - Part 7
* 03: How to Network With Busy People - Part 6
* 02: How to Network With Busy People - Part 5
* 01: How to Network With Busy People - Part 4
July 2009
* 31: How to Network With Busy People - Part 3
* 30: How to Network With Busy People - Part 2
* 29: How to Network With Busy People
* 22: Having Fun in Bermuda
* 15: Conscious Growth Workshop in Las Vegas
* 06: Overcoming Cheapness
* 03: How to Become More Successful
June 2009
* 29: Climate Change
* 26: Your Wealthy Avatar
* 25: 3-Day Las Vegas Workshop Oct 2-4
* 22: How to Make a Raw Fruit Pie
* 18: Events, Perception, Truth, and Subjective Reality
* 09: The Afternoon of Life
* 01: Smarter Than Your Parents
May 2009
* 29: Keep Your Goals in Front of You
* 26: Amazon Kindle Review
* 18: Creating a Belief Board
* 14: Rebecca Turner Interview
* 09: SBI eLearning - A Complete eBusiness Education
* 09: Site Build It Mothers Day Special - Save $199.00
* 07: Attraction
* 01: Abuse of Power
April 2009
* 23: Free Paraliminal Download
* 21: Productivity 101
* 13: The Joy of Solving Problems
* 09: How to Graduate From Christianity
March 2009
* 30: Adventures in Polyamory
* 25: StevePavlina.com Podcast #023 - Life, the Universe, and Everything
* 18: 15 Second Marketing
* 12: Leveling Up
* 09: Volunteering
* 05: Living Paycheck to Paycheck
February 2009
* 19: Succeeding by Helping Others Succeed
* 12: Shifting Your Vibration to Manifest Your Desires
* 10: Goals Into Habits
* 07: Raw Food Diet Update
* 03: 11:11
January 2009
* 27: Polyamory Resources
* 23: Conscious Sexuality
* 22: Polyamory and Blog Traffic
* 21: Initiating Relationships with Openness, Honesty, and Directness
* 19: Why Polyamory?
* 18: Polyamory Update
* 15: Judge Not
* 11: Remote Diagnosis Disorder
* 09: San Francisco Trip Jan 23-26
* 07: Jealousy
* 05: StevePavlina.com Podcast #022 - Loving Relationships
* 02: Polyamory
* 01: Polyamorous Relationship Q&A
December 2008
* 31: 2009 Focus - Intimate Relationships
* 29: Overcoming Indecision
* 18: Post Juice Feasting Update
* 16: Buy One Get One Free Holiday Promo for Site Build It
* 15: Guacamole Recipe
* 14: Rapid Improvement
* 11: How to Create Real Value
* 09: How to Make Lots of Money During a Recession
* 07: Facebook and Twitter
* 04: Calibration
* 01: Juice Feasting - Postmortem
November 2008
* 24: Juice Feasting - Day 31
* 21: 50+ More Book Reviews
* 19: Juice Feasting - Day 26
* 17: Juice Feasting - Day 24
* 16: Juice Feasting - Day 23
* 15: Share Your Shame
* 14: Juice Feasting - Day 21
* 13: Juice Feasting - Day 20
* 12: Fanatical About Growth
* 11: Juice Feasting - Day 18
* 10: Juice Feasting - Day 17
* 07: Juice Feasting - Day 14
* 06: Juice Feasting - Day 13
* 05: Juice Feasting - Day 12
* 05: Juice Feasting - Day 11
* 03: Juice Feasting - Day 10
* 02: Juice Feasting - Day 8
October 2008
* 31: Juice Feasting - Day 7
* 30: Juice Feasting - Day 6
* 29: Juice Feasting - Day 5
* 28: Juice Feasting - Day 4
* 27: Juice Feasting - Day 3
* 27: More Book Reviews
* 26: Juice Feasting - Day 2
* 25: Juice Feasting
* 23: Raw Food Weight Loss Program
* 23: Dropping Adsense - Saying Goodbye to $100K Per Year in Easy Income
* 21: Free Audio Interviews
* 20: Rawkathon - Free Online Raw Foods Seminar
* 13: Personal Development for Smart People Book Reviews
* 10: Follow Your Heartbreak
* 09: Oneness
* 02: Financial Meltdown
September 2008
* 28: Killing Bugs
* 24: Zen Habits Interview, Facebook Page, Free Book Bonuses, and More
* 22: Personal Development for Smart People Book Is Here
* 18: Raw Spirit Festival Review
* 16: You Know You Are a Raw Foodist When...
* 12: Free Sample Chapter of Personal Development for Smart People
* 06: Physical vs. Non-Physical Reality
* 02: How to Raise Your Financial Vibration
August 2008
* 29: How Bloggers Can Get My Book for Free
* 28: Speaking in Tampa on October 5th
* 25: Can Spirits Help You Win at Gambling? A Las Vegas Field Test
* 21: The Sock
* 18: Lessons From Ron Lewison (1938-2008)
* 13: Playing the Money Game
* 11: Money and the Law of Attraction
* 10: Hay House Radio Interview on Aug 11
* 08: Coaching and Consultations
* 04: Raw Food Diet and Energy Gains
July 2008
* 31: Yet Another Raw Food Diet Update
* 30: July 2008 Update
* 29: Habit Change Is Like Chess
* 27: Twitter
* 27: Diet and Energy
* 24: The Purpose of Life
* 22: Tolerance Is Resistance to Love
* 21: Sedona Talk Radio Interview
* 18: PhotoReading Discount Returns for July
* 17: What If You Have Many Different Interests and Cannot Commit to Any of Them?
* 16: How to Earn Your First Love Dollar
* 14: What I Learned From Going Bankrupt in My 20s That Proves to Be Immensely Valuable in My 30s
* 10: Personal Development for Smart People Book Cracks Amazon Top 100
* 08: Pre-order Personal Development for Smart People
* 07: Skill
* 04: I Can Do It! Conference Review
June 2008
* 20: Eating Raw - Update
* 13: Discussion Forum Gems
* 09: Feeling Blessed
* 04: StevePavlina.com Podcast #021 - Being Psychic
May 2008
* 29: How to Maintain Not-Quite-Daily Habits
* 27: 10 Reasons You Should Never Have a Religion
* 19: How to Make Accurate Time Estimates
* 15: How to Be a Woman
* 09: How to Be a Man
* 07: Lightworking
* 01: The Value of Ideas
April 2008
* 22: Are Darkworkers Evil?
* 16: Rise of the Lightworker
* 12: Life Coaching
* 08: The Anatomy of Personal Change
* 07: Speaking in Las Vegas on June 29
* 05: Returning to Raw Foods
March 2008
* 31: The War on Ego
* 28: Whatever You Fear, You Must Face
* 26: Resourcefulness
* 18: Site Build It! $100 Spring Special
* 16: Ask the Oracle and Other New Blog Features
* 11: The Most Direct Solution to Any Problem
* 03: Hopeless Situations
February 2008
* 27: How to Beat the Competition
* 25: Learning to Play Chess
* 22: Site Build It! Discount Extended 48 Hours
* 20: Steve Pavlina Branding
* 18: Personal Branding
* 15: Site Build It!
* 14: Blogging for Money
* 12: How to Build a Successful Online Business
* 07: Voice Recognition Software
* 04: Raw Food Diet
* 03: Diet Update
January 2008
* 31: Raw Food Diet - Day 31
* 30: Raw Food Diet - Day 30
* 29: Raw Food Diet - Day 29
* 28: Raw Food Diet - Day 28
* 27: Raw Food Diet - Day 27
* 26: Raw Food Diet - Day 26
* 25: Raw Food Diet - Day 25
* 25: World Affairs Forum - New
* 25: Raw Food Coaching Session
* 24: Raw Food Diet - Day 24
* 23: Raw Food Diet - Day 23
* 22: Raw Food Diet - Day 22
* 21: Raw Food Diet - Day 21
* 20: Raw Food Diet - Day 20
* 20: Suggestions for Future 30-Day Trials
* 19: Raw Food Diet - Day 19
* 18: Raw Food Diet - Day 18
* 17: Raw Food Diet - Day 17
* 16: Raw Food Diet - Day 16
* 15: Raw Food Diet - Day 15
* 14: Raw Food Diet - Day 14
* 13: Raw Food Diet - Day 13
* 12: Raw Food Diet - Day 12
* 11: Raw Food Diet - Day 11
* 10: Raw Food Diet - Day 10
* 09: Raw Food Diet - Day 9
* 08: Raw Food Diet - Day 8
* 07: Raw Food Diet - Day 7
* 06: Raw Food Diet - Day 6
* 05: Raw Food Diet - Day 5
* 04: Raw Food Diet - Day 4
* 03: Raw Food Diet - Day 3
* 02: Raw Food Diet - Day 2
* 01: Raw Food Diet - Day 1
December 2007
* 31: Raw Foods
* 30: 30 Days Raw
* 29: Start the New Year With a 30-Day Trial
* 26: The Middle Path
* 22: Quitting to Win
* 19: Love Your Work or Don't Work at All
* 17: 200 Things I Love About Writing
* 13: Career Transitions
* 10: How to Take Action Consistently
* 07: Working for Free
* 05: Career Responsibility
November 2007
* 30: You Are Self-Employed
* 28: Career Apathy
* 26: The Challenge of Choosing the Right Career
* 23: Discover Your Strengths
* 21: 2 Mental Blocks to Making Money
* 19: Exploring Career Choices
* 16: Career and Commitment
* 11: Career Planning
* 08: Do You Have a Deeply Fulfilling Career?
* 07: How to Create a Fulfilling Career
* 06: Consult With Erin
* 05: 5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me
* 02: New York City Trip Review
* 01: Recovering From Illness
October 2007
* 24: How to Wake Up Feeling Totally Alert
* 22: Back in Vegas
* 19: Proof
* 18: New York City Meet-up Details
* 15: New York City Meet-up Update
* 12: Reality and Perception
* 11: Humor Speech
* 10: Paraliminals Discount
* 08: New York City Trip - Update 2
* 03: PhotoReading Walkthrough
* 03: PhotoReading Discount Expires Oct 5
* 01: Three-Year Anniversary
September 2007
* 28: Feelings
* 26: StevePavlina.com Podcast #020 - Creative Self-Expression
* 22: Subjective Reality Simplified
* 21: PhotoReading Discount Extended 2 More Weeks
* 20: David Schirmer Exposed
* 20: John Assaraf Interview
* 19: Reaction vs. Response
* 18: Authenticity
* 17: Accuracy
* 16: Subjective Reality vs. Solipsism
* 15: New York City Trip - Update
* 14: Life on Purpose
* 14: New York City Trip
* 06: Overcoming Jealousy
* 05: David Brooks Interview
August 2007
* 28: PhotoReading Discount
* 27: The Joy of Sadness
* 22: A Better Life
* 20: How to Stop Complaining
* 17: Complaining
* 15: Life Sucks, Then You Die
* 13: Achieving Peak Motivation
* 06: Overclock Your Audio Learning
* 04: Living in Las Vegas
July 2007
* 27: Contributing Through Your Career
* 26: The Abundance Mindset
* 25: Quality and Contribution
* 18: How to Create a Personal Productivity Scaffold
* 17: Microtasks
* 13: Workshop Suggestions
* 12: Stories from Soldiers in Iraq
* 09: Journaling
* 03: How to Make Smart Decisions in Less Than 60 Seconds
* 02: Making Time for the Important
June 2007
* 25: 10 Weaknesses of Human Intelligence
* 20: How Your Mind Really Works
* 15: Moving Day
* 06: Agloco Viewbar Released
* 06: The Truth About Piracy
* 04: New York Times vs. Digg - Strange New Media
* 03: Copyright and Intellectual Property
* 03: StevePavlina.com FAQ
May 2007
* 30: I Can Do It! Conference Review - Day 4
* 29: I Can Do It! Conference Review - Day 3
* 28: I Can Do It! Conference Review - Day 2
* 27: I Can Do It! Conference Review - Day 1
* 22: How to Prioritize
* 18: Las Vegas I Can Do It Conference Meetup
* 15: Confessions of an A-List Blogger
* 14: Paraliminals Discount Expiring + New Genius Mind Discount
* 09: Testing to Failure
* 03: 33 Rules to Boost Your Productivity - Volume 3
* 02: 33 Rules to Boost Your Productivity - Volume 2
* 01: 33 Rules to Boost Your Productivity
April 2007
* 29: Making Peace With Death
* 25: Spiritual Depth Perception
* 17: Subjective Reality and Nonviolence
* 13: Earn Passive Income While Web Surfing
* 11: StevePavlina.com Podcast #019 - Owning Your Dark Side
* 09: Sex Energy
* 05: Self-Help Cynics
* 02: Self-Help Junkies
March 2007
* 27: Polyphasic Sleep - One Year Later
* 25: For Love of Evil
* 23: Darkworkers, Lightworkers, and Levels of Consciousness
* 19: Pavlina Purpose and Values
* 18: Future Plans
* 16: Las Vegas Meetup in May
* 14: How to Cook Brown Rice
* 12: Polarized Problem-Solving
* 09: Polarity and Health
* 08: Are You a Lightworker or a Darkworker?
* 06: The Science of Success
* 05: Polarity and Your Career
February 2007
* 27: Million Dollar Experiment Manifests $4 Million
* 26: Polarization
* 21: Polarity
* 19: The #1 Mistake People Make When Using the Law of Attraction
* 15: The Brightest Bear
* 12: James Ray Interview
* 08: The Secret DVD With a Free Bonus
* 06: Desire
January 2007
* 29: Understanding Human Relationships
* 22: Gratitude
* 19: Health Studies Are Worthless to Those Who Care About Health
* 16: 10 Business Lessons From a Snarky Entrepreneur
* 14: The Dark Side of Financial Abundance
* 12: 5 Wealth Lessons From 20 Percent of a Millionaire
* 10: Achieving Goals by Improving Your Character
* 07: StevePavlina.com Podcast #018 - Faster Goal Achievement
* 05: 7 Rules for Maximizing Your Creative Output
* 01: My Experience of Creativity
December 2006
* 31: Setting Your Primary Focus
* 26: Showing Up
* 21: Triage
* 18: What Are the Odds of Becoming a Black Belt?
* 11: Making a Financial Turnaround
* 07: First Newsletter Issue
* 06: Making Money Consciously
* 01: Life - The Ultimate Game
November 2006
* 29: Paraliminals - Personal Development on Autopilot
* 28: Newsletter Update
* 27: Dealing With Close-Mindedness
* 27: PhotoReading Discount Expiring
* 22: Heart-Centered Motivation
* 20: Manifesting Intentions Without Resistance
* 14: Even Salespeople Are Human
* 13: Lightworker Syndrome
* 11: Life Lessons - Live
* 07: Traveling the World
* 06: Forum Traffic Explosion
* 04: Forums Off to a Strong Start
* 03: Forums Launched
October 2006
* 31: Halloween Updates
* 30: The Consciousness Revolution
* 27: StevePavlina.com Podcast #017 - Placing Your Order With the Universe
* 26: Benefits of Military Service
* 25: Purpose = Permanent Message + Temporary Medium
* 23: If Everyone Awakens Will We All Starve?
* 18: Forums Update
* 16: NSA Workshop
* 12: How to Make More Intelligent Info Product Purchases
* 10: Soulful Relationships
* 06: PhotoReading Questions Answered
* 04: PhotoReading - How to Triple Your Reading Speed
* 02: Asset Allocation
* 01: Two-Year Anniversary
September 2006
* 30: Forum Questions
* 30: Forum Moderators Wanted
* 29: Making Decisions That Stick
* 26: Overcoming News Addiction
* 24: How Much Is a Blog Post Worth? Would You Believe $2400 Each?
* 20: Student Graduates College in Only Two Semesters
* 18: Subjective Reality Analogies
* 16: People and Subjective Reality
* 13: Understanding Jesus, Buddha, and Other Mystics
* 12: Perfection
* 11: Your True Identity: Ego or Awareness
* 09: Why Vegan?
* 03: StevePavlina.com Podcast #016 - The True Nature of Reality
August 2006
* 31: Personal Development Forum Structure Outline
* 28: Intelligence Is Bliss
* 26: Creative Observation
* 24: There Is No Out There
* 22: Personal Development Books
* 21: 10 Ways to Improve Your Technical Skills
* 18: The Law of Attraction
* 16: Thank You
* 15: The Death of Skepticism
* 14: Responsibility and the Law of Attraction
* 09: 8 Changes I Experienced After Giving Up TV
* 07: Empowering Beliefs
* 04: 10 Reasons to Develop Your Technical Skills
* 03: 10 Ways to Become More Conscious
* 01: How to Set Goals You Will Actually Achieve
July 2006
* 31: Discussion Forums Coming Soon
* 27: Recovery Continued
* 26: Recovery
* 25: Blogging Interview
* 25: Motivation for Smart People (Sans Chest Pounding)
* 24: 10 Myths About Self-Employment
* 21: 10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job
* 19: 14 Reasons to Become More Conscious
* 18: Ask Steve - Closing Comments
* 17: Ask Steve - Keeping Up With Accelerating Change
* 17: Live Call-in Blogging Interview July 18th
* 17: Ask Steve - Recommended Reading
* 16: Ask Steve - How to Resolve Global Conflicts
* 15: Ask Steve - Where to Begin Your Path of Personal Growth
* 15: Ask Steve - Staying Conscious While Under Attack
* 14: Ask Steve - Blogging Questions
* 14: Ask Steve - Sex
* 13: Ask Steve - Parenting
* 12: Ask Steve - Money and Financial Issues Solution
* 11: Ask Steve - Money and Financial Issues
* 11: Ask Steve - Where Are You Struggling?
* 10: Ask Steve - Rapid-Fire Questions
* 10: Ask Steve - Erin's Intuitive Readings
* 10: Ask Steve - Is Covering Psychic Development Unprofessional?
* 10: Ask Steve - What Religion Are You?
* 09: Ask Steve - Helping Stubborn People
* 09: Ask Steve - Technical Background
* 09: Ask Steve - Psychic Development
* 09: Ask Steve - Astral Projection
* 09: Ask Steve - Intuition vs. Ego
* 09: Ask Steve - Why Grow?
* 09: Ask Steve
* 08: 8 Guidelines for Choosing Effective Beliefs
* 05: Installing Empowering Beliefs
* 01: Goal Planning for Optimal Enjoyment
June 2006
* 29: Overcoming Depression
* 28: Disciplining Your Mind to Become Better at Manifesting
* 26: How to Help Negative People
* 21: 10 Ways to Relaxify Your Workspace
* 20: Giving Up TV
* 19: 10 Ways to Optimize Your Normal Days
* 15: Why Can't Psychics Guess Your Name?
* 12: Telepathy
* 10: StevePavlina.com Podcast #015 - What Is Your Purpose?
* 07: Psychic Readings
* 05: Psychic Intelligence
* 03: How Intentions Manifest
* 01: Dealing With Tragedy and Loss
May 2006
* 31: Sonia Choquette Interview
* 30: The Power of Now
* 29: Why Do Intentions Take So Long to Manifest?
* 26: Ask Your Guides
* 25: The Secret
* 23: Reprogramming Reality
* 23: The Path of Greatest Empowerment
* 21: StevePavlina.com Podcast #014 - Embracing Your Passion
* 17: Personal Development and Subjective Reality
* 17: Subjective Reality Q&A 3
* 16: More Subjective Reality Q&A
* 15: Subjective Reality Q&A
* 14: Psychic Development
* 13: Living a Life of Joy
* 12: I Can Do It! Seminar
* 08: 10 Tips for College Students
* 03: How to Make Money From Your Blog
April 2006
* 29: The Type-Z Guide to Success With Ease
* 25: How to Get Up Right Away When Your Alarm Goes Off
* 24: To Thine Own Self Be True
* 23: Self Magazine Sex Article
* 19: Marc Allen Interview
* 18: Million Dollar Experiment - $1,000,000 Manifested
* 16: Self-Acceptance vs. Personal Growth
* 13: How to Squash Negative Thought Patterns
* 12: Polyphasic Sleep: The Return to Monophasic
* 10: 10 Stupid Mistakes Made by the Newly Self-Employed
* 09: Entrepreneur's Journey Interview
* 09: Humor: How to Make Your Boss Laugh
* 08: Humor: In the Workplace
* 07: Humor: Sources for Humor
* 06: Humor: How to Write Funny Lines
* 05: Humor: How to Develop a Sharp Wit
* 04: Humor: Laughing Your Way to Health
* 03: Humor Series
* 03: StevePavlina.com Podcast #013 - Beyond Religion
* 01: Go for a Presence Walk
March 2006
* 31: Regretting Tomorrow
* 30: Silent Approval
* 29: Varying Your Exercise Routine
* 25: Progressive Training
* 24: What Lies Beyond the Haze of Social Conditioning?
* 23: Keeping Perspective When You Have a Really, Really Big Problem
* 18: Social Drag
* 17: My Favorite Blogs
* 16: Weaknesses That Matter, Weaknesses That Don't
* 15: Work From Your Strengths. Train Up Your Weaknesses.
* 14: Million Dollar Experiment Manifests Over $412,000
* 13: Is Self-Help a Scam?
* 10: Personal Growth on Steroids: The Strategy of Immersion
* 07: Bear Bombing
* 05: StevePavlina.com Podcast #012 - Building Confidence
* 05: Creativity for Smart People
* 03: Conscious Procrastination
* 01: The Parable of the Talents
February 2006
* 27: Polyphasic Sleep in USA Today
* 25: Polyphasic Sleep 2.0
* 24: Are You Ready to Take Action Now?
* 23: Asking the Right Questions
* 23: Purging
* 22: Personal Development Library Tips
* 21: What's Your Motivation Threshold?
* 18: Build Your Own Personal Development Library
* 16: Why Did You Choose to Incarnate as a Human?
* 15: Polyphasic Sleep Put to Shame
* 14: Interpersonal Communication and the Awareness Gap
* 13: The Three Bears: Arrogance, Timidity, and Honesty
* 12: StevePavlina.com Podcast #011 - Raising Awareness Through Multiple Perspectives
* 10: Feeble Excuses
* 09: How to Have a More Focused Day
* 07: Blogging for Personal Growth
* 06: Time Management
* 02: Polyphasic Mutants
* 02: Cave-Free Spirituality
* 01: Deciding What to Do With Your Life
January 2006
* 31: Erin Pavlina . com
* 29: StevePavlina.com Podcast #010 - Lucid Dreaming
* 29: Understanding Family Relationship Problems
* 27: Beyond Self-Delusional Positive Thinking
* 26: Goal-Free Living
* 24: How to Build a High-Traffic Web Site (or Blog)
* 21: Rediscovering the Past
* 20: Advertise on This Site
* 19: Branching Out
* 18: Polyphasic Sleep Update - Day 90
* 18: Intelligent Risk Taking
* 17: 2005 Traffic & Adsense Revenue Growth
* 14: Traffic Spike
* 11: Raise Your Standards
* 10: What's Your Autism Quotient?
* 09: Are You a Bear or an Eagle?
* 04: What Kind of Year Do You Want to Have?
December 2005
* 30: Free Tony Robbins Workbook
* 29: Creating a Productive Workspace
* 28: Be Patient With Yourself
* 27: The 50-30-20 Rule
* 26: Becoming the Person You Were Meant to Be
* 23: Lucid Dreaming - Studying a Maple Tree
* 22: Million Dollar Experiment Passes $100,000
* 21: Spirituality vs. Intelligence
* 19: Polyphasic Sleep Update - Day 60
* 18: Stop Debating and Start Testing
* 18: Overcoming Limiting Financial Beliefs
* 17: StevePavlina.com Podcast #009 - Kick-start Your Own Business
* 15: Rules Are No Obstacles for Committed People
* 14: Humor Skills
* 12: Is Your Genius at Work?
* 12: My Wife Won't Let Me Start My Own Business
* 09: Is That the Best You Can Do?
* 09: Pandora Music Service
* 09: Listen to Podcasts on Tivo
* 08: Why Not You?
* 07: Microwave-Free for 145 Days
* 06: Vegan Family Favorites
* 05: Ing Direct Now at 3.75%
* 04: Graduating College in 3 Semesters
* 04: StevePavlina.com Podcast #008 - Overcoming Fear
* 01: Various Announcements
* 01: Jack Laytham's Manifestation Story - A Wink From the Universe
November 2005
* 30: Polyphasic Exercise
* 29: Polyphasic Sleep Seinfeld Episode
* 28: Do It Now
* 27: Million Dollar Experiment - $20,000 Manifested
* 24: Printer-Friendly Site Upgrade
* 23: More Musings on Reality, the Scientific Method, and the Cure for Dandruff
* 23: Musings on Reality, the Scientific Method, and the Cure for Dandruff
* 23: Skepticism May Be Harmful or Fatal if Swallowed
* 22: Proving Intention-Manifestation Works
* 22: Quantum Biocommunication Technology
* 21: Unclaimed Property That's Rightfully Yours
* 20: Robert Blum's Manifestation Story
* 20: Polyphasic Sleep Log - Days 25-30 (Final Update)
* 19: Steve Pavlina Audio
* 19: StevePavlina.com Podcast #007 - Solving Frustrating Problems
* 18: My Favorite Feedback
* 17: Get $25 Free from Ing Direct
* 17: What Should I Do With My Life?
* 17: Sketch Ideas
* 17: Jennifer Jarvi's Manifestation Story
* 16: Million Dollar Experiment - Allowing the Money to Come to You
* 16: Chitika Optimization Tip - Turn Keywords Into Channels
* 15: Tithing
* 15: Million Dollar Experiment - Open Your Money Doors
* 15: Million Dollar Experiment - Tips for Manifesting Money
* 14: What Will Other People Think of You?
* 13: Polyphasic Sleep Log - Days 23-24
* 12: Show Me Your Battle Scars
* 11: Polyphasic Sleep Log - Day 22
* 11: Million Dollar Experiment - $2654.08 Manifested
* 10: Polyphasic Sleep Log - Day 21
* 09: Polyphasic Sleep Log - Days 19-20
* 09: How to Earn $10,000 in One Hour
* 08: Jnana Yoga & Bug-Free Beliefs
* 07: Polyphasic Sleep Log - Days 12-18
* 06: Thought Ripples
* 06: A Dose of Caffeine for Your Consciousness
* 05: Is Becoming Wealthy Inherently Evil?
* 05: How Much Is Your Blog Worth?
* 04: StevePavlina.com Podcast #006 - How to Make Money Without a Job
* 04: Million Dollar Experiment - Chitika Earnings Revealed Plus a Surprise
* 04: Million Dollar Experiment - Submissions Rolling In
* 03: Million Dollar Experiment - Version 2.0
* 03: Personal Development Product Reviews
* 02: Million Dollar Experiment - First Dollar Earned
* 02: Million Dollar Experiment
* 01: Do Your Beliefs Reflect Reality or Create It?
October 2005
* 31: Polyphasic Sleep Log - Days 8-11
* 31: Creating Inspiration
* 30: Knowing Is Being
* 27: Polyphasic Sleep Log - Day 7
* 27: Top 500 Blog
* 27: Best of StevePavlina.com
* 26: Polyphasic Sleep Log - A Wife's Perspective
* 26: Polyphasic Sleep - Response to Reader Feedback
* 26: Polyphasic Sleep Log - Day 6
* 25: Polyphasic Sleep Log - Day 5
* 24: Polyphasic Sleep Log - Day 4
* 23: Polyphasic Sleep Log - Day 3
* 22: Polyphasic Sleep Log - Day 2
* 21: Polyphasic Sleep Log - Day 1
* 21: StevePavlina.com Podcast #005 - Beliefs
* 20: Polyphasic Sleep
* 19: What Is Productivity?
* 18: Manifesting Intentions
* 17: Cause-Effect vs. Intention-Manifestation
* 15: More on Blog Comments
* 14: Biweekly Podcasts
* 14: Blog Comments
* 13: Life After Death
* 12: Why Study Consciousness?
* 12: A Scientific Method for Exploring Consciousness
* 11: Questioning Your Beliefs
* 10: Where Do Goals Come From?
* 10: Understanding Consciousness
* 07: StevePavlina.com Podcast #004 - Using Patterns for Personal Development
* 01: One-Year Anniversary
September 2005
* 30: Miscellaneous Updates
* 28: Motivational Seminar Recap
* 26: Professional Speaking
* 26: Motivational Seminar
* 25: Trial and Error, Ego and Awareness
* 24: Visualization-Meditation Exercise: Go To Your Room
* 23: StevePavlina.com Podcast #003 - Consulting Your Intuition
* 22: Overwhelming Force
* 19: Calming Someone Down
* 16: StevePavlina.com Podcast #002 - Truth and Awareness
* 15: Risk vs. Reward in Human Relationships
* 15: A Question for Introverts
* 15: Personal Development DVDs
* 14: Improving Social Skills
* 14: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
* 13: How to Go From Introvert to Extrovert
* 10: Extreme Thinking
* 09: Awareness and Resistance
* 09: Are Humans Carnivores or Herbivores?
* 08: Podcasting Update
* 08: How to Find the Best Diet for You
* 07: The China Study
* 06: The Great Protein Myth
* 02: StevePavlina.com Podcast #001 - Intro to Personal Development
August 2005
* 31: Personal Development Blog Archives
* 31: How to Win an Argument
* 30: No Division
* 30: What Is Your Value?
* 29: Dealing With Difficult Relatives
* 28: Podcasting
* 25: The Medium vs. The Message
* 24: My Favorite Meditation
* 23: End Goals vs. Means Goals
* 22: The Power of the Force
* 20: You Need People
* 19: 80% of New Employees Fail Within the First 5 Years
* 18: The Light at the End of the Tunnel
* 17: Free Copy of The Strangest Secret
* 16: Your Superpower and Your Kryptonite
* 15: How to Decide When to End a Long-term Relationship
* 12: Downloadable Audio Content
* 11: Get Involved Anyway, Even if You Think It Won't Help
* 10: Life Lessons From Poker
* 09: Getting Organized
* 08: How to Predict Your Future
* 06: How NOT to Build a Successful Online Business
* 05: Freeing Mental RAM
* 04: Videotape Your Performance
* 03: Saying No
* 02: Life Lessons From Blackjack
July 2005
* 29: Darren LaCroix
* 28: Full Text Feeds Restored
* 27: Who Do You Want to Be When You Die?
* 26: Unraveling the Mortality Conundrum
* 25: Overcoming Negative Emotions and Boosting Motivation
* 24: Keep Comments on Topic
* 23: Digital Voice Recorder
* 22: Eliminating Verbal Pauses
* 21: Failing With Toastmasters
* 20: You Have the Right to Be Wrong
* 19: What's the Deal With Fluoride?
* 15: Dangers of Microwave Cooking
* 14: How To Never Lose Your Keys Again
* 13: Organic Produce
* 12: Saving Time With Your Microwave
* 11: Playing Follow the Follower
* 10: Lifehack.org Interview
* 07: I'm a Published Author!
* 06: How Selfish Are You?
* 05: How to Get From a 7 to a 10
* 02: Personal Growth Manifesto
* 01: Six Months of Goal-Mongering
* 01: Why Live Forever?
June 2005
* 30: Mentoring
* 29: Lessons from Star Trek
* 24: The Meaning of Life: Conscious Evolution
* 23: The Meaning of Life: Transitioning
* 22: The Meaning of Life: From Purpose to Action
* 21: The Meaning of Life: Discover Your Purpose
* 20: The Meaning of Life: How Shall We Live?
* 19: The Meaning of Life: Intro
* 17: Working in Unusual Places
* 14: The Meaning of Life Series
* 13: Thanks for the Suggestions
* 10: Suggest a Topic
* 10: Self-Discipline: Persistence
* 09: Self-Discipline: Industry
* 08: Self-Discipline: Hard Work
* 07: Self-Discipline: Willpower
* 06: Self-Discipline: Acceptance
* 05: Self-Discipline
* 03: 100%+ Traffic Increase
* 03: Speed Up Your Mouse
* 01: Trust Yourself, Not the Experts
May 2005
* 31: How to Become an Early Riser - Part II
* 27: How to Give Up Coffee
* 26: The Inefficiency of Being Too Curious
* 25: Working From Home
* 25: Managing Your Blog Feeds
* 24: Passion vs. Self-Discipline
* 23: The Courage to Live Consciously - Russian
* 23: How to Become an Early Riser
* 22: Reducing TV Watching
* 20: 30 Days to Success - Postmortem
* 18: Effective Online Forum Usage
* 15: Your Favorite Philosophy
* 15: What's Your World View?
* 12: Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking
* 11: A Cup of Tea With the Grim Reaper
* 10: Personal Development for Smart People
* 09: Personal Quotas
* 08: Day 18
* 04: Meditate to Live Longer
* 03: Colorblindness
* 01: The Rudder of the Day
April 2005
* 30: Dynamic Planning
* 29: Visit the Library
* 28: 20 Ways to Improve
* 27: Integrity in the Moment of Choice
* 26: Quotes on Persistence
* 25: Countdown to Day 30
* 19: Join the Challenge - Update
* 19: Join the Challenge
* 18: Build Fitness With Mild Interval Training
* 15: Start With the Physical
* 14: 30 Days to Success
* 13: Dream Food
* 12: Patience
* 11: Where's Your Blind Spot?
* 11: How Does Consciousness Relate to Personal Growth?
* 11: How Many Careers Would You Like?
* 08: Raising Your Consciousness
* 07: Levels of Consciousness
* 06: How to be a Superhero
* 05: Learning to Fly
* 02: My Intentions for This Site
* 01: Your Own Private Universe
March 2005
* 31: Forming a Nonprofit?
* 31: Dark Night of the Soul
* 30: My Reality or Yours
* 30: Courage is the Gateway
* 29: Happy Anniversary, Erin
* 28: Take the Red Pill
* 26: What the Bleep Do We Know?
* 24: Productivity Showdown Day 3
* 23: Productivity Showdown Day 2
* 22: What's Your Time Horizon?
* 21: Education Kills Fear
* 21: The Productivity Debate Begins
* 21: Experiential Diversity
* 20: Overcoming Fear
* 20: Speech Contest Recovery
* 16: Hard Work vs. Laziness
* 16: Cultivating Burning Desire
* 15: Cycles of Life
* 15: The Power of Clarity
* 14: Master the Basics
* 14: Personal Productivity
* 13: Powerhouse Pros
* 11: Efficient Email
* 10: The Best of Both Worlds
* 09: Hard Work
* 07: Security is for Cowards
* 06: Speech Contest Update
* 04: Changing Perspectives
* 01: Marketing From Your Conscience
February 2005
* 28: Overcoming Procrastination
* 27: Rebuilding Momentum After Setbacks
* 25: What's Your Optimism Ratio?
* 24: A Simple Productivity Tip
* 23: New Article: Living Your Values, Part II
* 22: Thought vs. Action
* 21: Living Congruently
* 17: Personal Development Categories
* 17: Entrepreneurial Freedom and Responsibility
* 15: Do you create plans that would require an android to execute?
* 14: Personal Development Insights Newsletter
* 14: Welcome, Germaphobes!
* 14: The Best Valentine's Day Gift
* 13: Are You A Failure Germaphobe?
* 13: Speak up next time, Dr. Phil
* 12: Used Goals For Sale
* 11: Post Your Goals Where You Can See Them
* 10: Enjoying the Journey
* 09: Welcome Back, Firefox Fans
* 09: Read a Book a Week
* 08: Your Goal Scoreboard
* 07: Fixing Compatibility Issues
* 07: Your Personal Accountability System
* 06: Comments Problem Fixed
* 06: The 8th Habit
* 05: The Best Place to Invest Your Money
* 04: Contest Season Begins
* 01: The Essential Missing Half of Getting Things Done
January 2005
* 31: Purpose = Freedom
* 29: Business Planning
* 27: Abolishing Annoyances
* 26: Why does purpose matter?
* 23: Internet Phone Service
* 22: Web-based tool for prioritizing your values
* 20: 13 Personal Development Speakers in 3 Days
* 16: How to Discover Your Life Purpose in About 20 Minutes
* 08: Don't Die With Your Music Still In You
* 07: What Do You Need To Feel Secure?
* 06: What Is Your Career?
* 04: Moving
* 02: The Year In Review
December 2004
* 21: New Article: Living Your Values
* 20: Knowing When to Break a Commitment
* 19: Values Update
* 18: Making a Quantum Leap
* 17: Software Book Cancellation
* 16: Are Your Friends An Elevator or a Cage?
* 15: Environmental Reinforcement of Your Goals
* 09: The Guy in the Glass
* 04: Fear of Success: What will happen if you succeed?
November 2004
* 29: List of Values
* 27: Full Engagement
* 25: Big, hairy, audacious goals
* 24: Why pursue personal growth at all?
* 23: What do you expect?
* 23: Developing a toolkit of problem-solving techniques
* 20: Dealing with Difficult People
* 19: Emotional Mastery
* 18: The Value of Confidence
* 14: Sharpen the Saw
* 13: Setting Posteriorities
* 10: Be Proactive
* 05: The Incredibles
* 04: Geeks vs. Non-Geeks
* 02: Behavioral Conditioning
October 2004
* 30: Conditioning Yourself to Succeed
* 27: The Courage to Live Consciously
* 26: Finding Fresh Brains
* 25: Brains Brains Brains
* 24: Humorous Speech Contest
* 21: Optimal Thinking
* 19: Timeboxing
* 18: Full Text Feeds Enabled
* 18: High-protein nonsense
* 17: Modeling
* 16: More on Planning
* 12: How to make $100K+ per year
* 11: Quarterly Planning Time
* 09: Nanomanufacturing
* 07: Journaling as a Problem-Solving Tool
* 06: Can't keep a secret
* 03: The Strangest Secret
* 01: First post
Сила: Развейте собственную мотивацию и дисциплину, чтобы создать жизнь, которую желаете.
* Полномочия: Возьмите управление своей жизнью в свои руки, и учитесь принимать четкие решения.
* Храбрость: Используйте внутреннюю силу, чтобы действовать несмотря на страх.
* Привычки: Создайте распорядок дня, который даст вам ощущение текучести.
* Карьера: Постройте карьеру, которой вы действительно увлечены.
* Деньги: Достигните финансового благополучия, которое не противоречит вашим принципам честности.
* Здоровье: Выработайте полезные привычки поддерживающие ваше тело здоровым.
* Взаимоотношения: Наслаждайтесь приятными отношениям, помогающими вам расти.
адвайта здесь не при чём
как впрочем и всё остальное
обычная психотерапия, направленная на успешность в в современной бизнес-цивилизации
поэтому так все и ломанулись
Ох, Алексей Валерьевич, ну и нагородил же ты тут...
Мне остается только принять это всё за странную, но всё таки смешную шутку и посмеяться вместе с тобой
Однако, как модератор этого форума, я не могу оставить оригинальный заголовок темы
"Учитель Адвайты - Стив Павлина (Steve Pavlina)" - он банально вводит людей в заблуждение.
Изменяю его на такой:
"Стив Павлина (Steve Pavlina) - Учитель Адвайты?"
И сам же отвечу на вопрос. Стив Павлина - классный парень, но называть его Учителем Адвайты нелепо. Все таки слова лучше использовать по назначению, то есть позволять им иметь определенный смысл и передавать его. Поэтому совершенно дико выглядят подобные определения:
Буддизм - общее название религий и учений
о духовном пробуждении,
таких как дзогчен, нео-адвайта,
классическая адвайта, дзен, даосизм.
Каждое из названных слов - это отдельный подход, отдельная традиция и широкий набор различных инструментов. Дело не столько в словах, сколько в понимании, что за ними стоит. В этом смысле Стив Павлина - представитель "ориентированных на личностный рост людей". Понимая это, изначально не станешь ожидать от Стива управления энергией Ци, или чтения сутр на санскрите.
Больше вопросов не задаю. Уровнем ответов и аргументации впечатлен аж до отказа от дальнейшего банкета.
Больше вопросов не задаю. Уровнем ответов и аргументации впечатлен аж до отказа от дальнейшего банкета.
Обожди, вставлю свои пять копеек.
Ты правильно сделал, Лотос,
что оставил эту тему в разделе "Учения Недвойственности".
Пусть даже с вопросительным знаком.
Павлина - не просто очередной психотренер,
но именно предвестник новой,
а на самом деле, хорошо забытой на Западе старой Ведической Традиции,
но без использования религиозной терминологии.
На его сайте многие читатели/слушатели спрашивали
о религиозных убеждениях, в какого Бога или Чёрта он верит?
Но он не отождествляет себя с какой-либо
конкретной Религиозной системой
или, хуже того с Верой.
Скорее, он использует разные Религиозные системы верований
для своей выгоды, переключаюсь между ними,
в зависимости от текущей ситуации,
аналогично как вы можете переключаться
между различными программами на компьютере,
на основе которых часть программного обеспечения
является наиболее подходящим инструментом для текущей Вашей работы.
Он бросил вызов идее,
что люди обязаны делать религиозные
и духовные верования частью человеческой личности
(например, "я католик" или "я атеист" или "я буддист").
Когда вы встраеваете какую-то исключительно конкретную философскую,
религиозную или духовную основу в вашу личность и в свой мозг,
вы сильно ограничивает себя, и превращаетесь из Человека
в биоробота, который работает только
с одной глючной частью программного обеспечения
(биоробот: особенно яркий пример - ваххабиты-террористы-смертники).
Собственно вот можно послушать аудиофайл, где С.Павлина рассуждает на тему религий:
Формат: mp3
Размер: 11Мб
http://www.stevepavlina.com/podcasts/Pavlina-013-Beyond-Religion.mp3 Источник: сайт Павлины, активную ссылку на который я уже давал выше в этой теме.
Совершенно точно сказано к адвайте это не имеет никакого отношения.
Даже если не пользоваться эзо-терминами к правде это не имеет никакого отношения.
Правда в том, что я ни в чём не нуждается, а что там делает тело-ум никому не интересно.
История Пробуждения и Просветления Стива Павлины.
Стив Павлина стал Просветлённым Гуру Адвайты в пятницу первого октября 2004 года
В пятницу 01.10.04г. Стив Павлина решил заработать немного денег в Интернете и начал вести свой собственный блог. Для того, чтоб блог приносил хоть какую-то минимальную прибыль его нужно было наполнить оригинальным контентом, способным привлечь внимание читателей и рекламодателей. Понеслось.
Фактически контент блога Павлины - это и есть его Учение.
Сейчас посещаемость его сайта(блога)
зашкаливает более чем за миллион
оригинальных пользователей ежедневно.
Скоро слово Просветленный будет использоваться в качестве ругательства, коль уж мы такими темпами налегли на весла...
Вы не мoжeте начинать темы Вы не мoжeте отвечать на сообщения Вы не мoжeте редактировать свои сообщения Вы не мoжeте удалять свои сообщения Вы не мoжeте голосовать в опросах
Движется на чудо-технике по сей день
Соблюдайте тишину и покой :)